July 7, 2021
Season:    4

Dimas Barreira Putting Technology and Innovation in the Driver’s Seat in Fortaleza, Brazil

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The bustling city of Fortaleza could be a model for how operators, transit agencies, and cities can work together to deliver sustainable, technology-enabled public transit. This week Paul chats with Dimas Barreira is the president of SINDIONIBUS, a group of 17 transit operators serving the city of Fortaleza and the surrounding area.

What’s unique in Fortaleza isn’t the close partnership between SINDIONIBUS and the city, but the confederation of independent companies who have come together to agree on how to deliver transit to the 2.7 million people in the region.

Together they have invested in technology, like MaaS, bike sharing for transit riders, automated payment systems, and a fully GPS and ITS enabled fleet of over 2000 buses.

But technology and working together is the part of the story you see, beneath the surface Dimas is a true transit leader and visionary. He sees, and promotes, the connection between riders, the city government, and the city at large. He has a vision for transit supporting UN Climate and Sustainability goals and ensuring SINDIONIBUS leverages technology to adapt to our changing world.

For more show notes and a complete transcript visit TransitUnplugged.com.