April 24, 2024
Season:    7

Episode 300!

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Welcome to episode 300 of Transit Unplugged! When Paul started the podcast in November 2017, I don’t think anyone would have thought that seven seasons later we’d be at our 300th episode.

Paul started this podcast to shine a light on the impact of transit on society and give transit leaders a chance to talk about their agencies and their careers, unfiltered and unplugged. Throughout the pandemic Paul interviewed leaders about what it all meant to transit. How were agencies dealing with health restrictions. How agencies were keeping front line workers safe.

Since the pandemic, the issues have changed. Now it’s getting enough drivers, changing ridership patterns, the bus manufacturing crisis, and the looming fiscal cliff.

Paul continues to meet these issues head on with frank discussion about how agencies are addressing the challenges and how it’s shaping them as leaders.

We’re celebrating this milestone with a CEO Roundtable with four leading transit CEOs talking about their agencies, what it’s like to be a CEO, and the challenges they face today.

Recorded live on stage with Paul are:

  • Frank White, III (Kansas City Area Transportation Authority)
  • Tiffani Scott (Paratransit, Inc.)
  • David Scorey (Keolis North America)
  • Jameson Auten (Lane Transit District)

Next week on the show, we have the Chief Innovation Officer from SEPTA (South East Pennsylvania Transportation Authority) Emily Yates talking about not just the innovations she’s leading, but the entire process of innovating in public transit overall.

0:00 Transit Unplugged Episode 300!

00:05 Introduction by host and producer, Paul Comfort

01:35 Welcome to Transit Unplugged Live: CEO Roundtable

02:04 The State of Public Transit: Challenges and Changes

03:42 Innovative Solutions in Transit: Sacramento’s Story

06:19 Addressing Transit’s Relevance and Financial Sustainability

06:45 Operational Efficiency and Service Adaptation in Boston

09:47 Redefining Transit’s Role in the Community

13:52 The CEO Experience: Leading in Transit

23:39 Lightning Round: Future Directions and Innovations

29:14 Coming up next week on Transit Unplugged

Paul Comfort:

Welcome to Episode 300 of Transit Unplugged.

Paul Comfort:

I'm host and producer Paul Comfort.

Paul Comfort:

When we started the podcast in November of 2017, my goal was to shine a light

Paul Comfort:

on the positive impact of public transportation on communities and

Paul Comfort:

give transit leaders a chance to share the good news about their agencies,

Paul Comfort:

services, innovations, and their careers.

Paul Comfort:

Unfiltered and unplugged.

Paul Comfort:

Now, seven years later, while the hot topics have changed, we continue to

Paul Comfort:

meet these issues head on with frank discussions about how agencies are

Paul Comfort:

addressing their challenges and solutions.

Paul Comfort:

and how it's shaping them as leaders.

Paul Comfort:

We're celebrating this milestone with a CEO Roundtable featuring four leading

Paul Comfort:

transit CEOs talking about their agencies, what it's like to be a CEO,

Paul Comfort:

and the challenges they face today.

Paul Comfort:

Recorded live on stage with me at the ThinkTransit Conference are

Paul Comfort:

Frank White III of Kansas City Area Transportation Authority, Tiffani

Paul Comfort:

Scott from Paratransit, Inc., David Scorey of Keolis, North America, and

Paul Comfort:

Jameson Auten of Lane Transit District.

Paul Comfort:

If you like what you hear on the podcast, help spread the news by being a transit

Paul Comfort:

evangelist yourself and share the program with your work colleagues and friends.

Paul Comfort:

The more we all understand industry best practices and career advice for

Paul Comfort:

transit leaders, the more all of us can help improve public transportation

Paul Comfort:

to provide better service and become even more integral to our communities.

Paul Comfort:

Now come with me on stage at the Transit Unplugged Live CEO Roundtable.

Paul Comfort:

Great to have you with us today for Transit Unplugged

Paul Comfort:

Live and our CEO Roundtable.

Paul Comfort:

I'm Paul Comfort, your host, and excited to bring to you today these

Paul Comfort:

great leaders in our industry.

Paul Comfort:

You know, it's important for us to hear from leaders in the

Paul Comfort:

public transportation industry.

Paul Comfort:

There's so many challenges we're facing right now.

Paul Comfort:

It's an important time to kind of get a, a glide on the trends that are happening.

Paul Comfort:

Today we're CEOs about their lives, their careers.

Paul Comfort:

What it's like to be a CEO every day and the things they have to deal with.

Paul Comfort:

So our public transit industry right now, I believe, is in

Paul Comfort:

a very precarious situation.

Paul Comfort:

as you know, the pandemic really was a gut punch to transit agencies across

Paul Comfort:

the country and across the world with ridership and all the changes we had to

Paul Comfort:

do, all the, new hygiene, things we had to do on the buses to clean them more often.

Paul Comfort:

And now coming out of that, though, we're in an interesting place.

Paul Comfort:


Paul Comfort:

I mean, I'm sure you're aware you've heard this term called a fiscal cliff.

Paul Comfort:

So what that is, is because the pandemic took out so many riders,

Paul Comfort:

that also affected passenger revenue for most transit agencies.

Paul Comfort:

And, The federal governments in the U.

Paul Comfort:


Paul Comfort:

and Canada subsidized those for the last, like, two and a half years.

Paul Comfort:

But those funds are ending.

Paul Comfort:

For most transit agencies, this year is when they'll spend them down.

Paul Comfort:

And many transit agencies haven't been able to recover their

Paul Comfort:

ridership enough and their revenue enough to make up the difference.

Paul Comfort:

Those federal funds have actually subsidized the operations, and so

Paul Comfort:

now they're coming to a fiscal cliff.

Paul Comfort:

We also have had a collapse of the OEM industry here in the United States.

Paul Comfort:

I'm sure you've heard about it, but a year ago, we had five bus manufacturers.

Paul Comfort:

Today, we effectively only have two in the United States, and so that is

Paul Comfort:

a dramatic impact on transit agencies.

Paul Comfort:

And then, like I mentioned, the ridership levels have basically

Paul Comfort:

leveled off now, post pandemic, at about 80 percent in most cities.

Paul Comfort:

Some are more.

Paul Comfort:

But on average, it's about 80%.

Paul Comfort:

So we have a 20 percent gap and ridership patterns have changed

Paul Comfort:

with hybrid work schedules.

Paul Comfort:

So transit agencies are having to adjust to that as well.

Paul Comfort:

So how are we as an industry addressing those challenges that we're facing?

Paul Comfort:

Well, that's what we're going to find out today by talking to our four CEOs.

Paul Comfort:

We're going to ask them to tell you, how are they addressing these challenges?

Paul Comfort:

Tiffani, tell us about, some of the big challenges you're facing now.

Tiffani Scott:

So I think as an industry, identity is really an issue.

Tiffani Scott:

Like what is transit?

Tiffani Scott:

Before COVID, we all kind of knew it was chasing the choice rider.

Tiffani Scott:

There's a lot of talk about commuter transit.

Tiffani Scott:

Everyone went to a certain place at a certain time.

Tiffani Scott:

Peak hour service was always a big challenge, whether it was on the

Tiffani Scott:

fixed route or on paratransit service.

Tiffani Scott:

And then COVID happened and it really forced us to think outside of that.

Tiffani Scott:

And you mentioned the fiscal cliff, but with us, we had made the brave

Tiffani Scott:

decision to change our service model three months before COVID.

Tiffani Scott:

And so we really had to lean into it.

Tiffani Scott:

And so I think as much as there's challenges, I think one of the

Tiffani Scott:

biggest challenges in transit is that it's easy to say we're doing things

Tiffani Scott:

differently, but all we do is do the same thing and call it something else.

Tiffani Scott:

And so really at our agency, we've leaned into what is the community now.

Tiffani Scott:

We took our software, which has actually PASS and said, if I can

Tiffani Scott:

schedule trips for people, why can't I schedule trips for things?

Tiffani Scott:

And it ended up being a really great challenge for staff.

Tiffani Scott:

Because it made you think, what can we do?

Tiffani Scott:

And I think one of the best things that we've done, and even as a CEO,

Tiffani Scott:

I went and spent like two months in my free time, which is very limited

Tiffani Scott:

learning how to schedule and I can schedule an entire paratransit day.

Tiffani Scott:

But that I needed to know where is the naturally occurring slack?

Tiffani Scott:

Where do we have the most elasticity to deploy new projects?

Tiffani Scott:

and it was the idea of leaning into, we know where people are going, but why do,

Tiffani Scott:

what if we start asking why they're going?

Tiffani Scott:

And so, we followed that up with some routes that are now funded

Tiffani Scott:

through the Areas of Persistent Poverty grant, we were one of four

Tiffani Scott:

in California awarded, where we're going to look at access to healthcare.

Tiffani Scott:

It's been a big issue in most communities, and we're starting routes to take

Tiffani Scott:

underserved communities to healthcare, but we're going to take it a step further

Tiffani Scott:

and actually reach out to healthcare systems and try and figure out how

Tiffani Scott:

do you get to the social workers, so they can actually schedule a doctor's

Tiffani Scott:

appointment on a day there's a route that serves that location, how do we change

Tiffani Scott:

the conversation, and for me, I think that's where the challenge comes in, is

Tiffani Scott:

pushing ourselves as agencies to realize

Tiffani Scott:

We are not a transit agency.

Tiffani Scott:

We are a mobility agency.

Tiffani Scott:

We provide mobility, and I believe that's financial mobility, it's educational

Tiffani Scott:

mobility, it's social mobility, and it's transportation, and we facilitate

Tiffani Scott:

that because the number one challenge in these communities is access, and

Tiffani Scott:

I think the hope I have is any of the challenges we're facing we're chasing

Tiffani Scott:

problem solutions that are bringing in that and really focusing a new look on

Tiffani Scott:

what is transit in a community because transit the way it was is not the way

Tiffani Scott:

transit will be and I think until agencies really take a hold of that, that's why

Tiffani Scott:

we're not getting solutions that grab.

Paul Comfort:

Kudos to a fellow PASS super user.

Paul Comfort:

Alright, David, tell us about some challenges you're facing.

David Scorey:

Well, I think you prefaced it really well in the introduction,

David Scorey:

Paul, you know, I think the challenges that we're all facing as an industry

David Scorey:

is, you know, what's the relevance of public transportation now?

David Scorey:

How do we get back to the utilization levels, the funding, that, that we had

David Scorey:

pre COVID with the fiscal cliff, with the challenges over, having trained operators,

David Scorey:

mechanics, you know, the availability of workforce and all of those things.

David Scorey:

I'll just highlight one element, you know, for us as a contractor.

David Scorey:

The financial well being of our clients, our PTAs, is absolutely fundamental,

David Scorey:

you know, to us, and so we are very aligned with our clients in order to

David Scorey:

address the challenges that they're facinghead on, the challenges of

David Scorey:

future funding and the fiscal cliff

David Scorey:

I'll just focus on Boston for a moment there.

David Scorey:

Relatively early on during COVID, actually, you know, during 2020,

David Scorey:

the agency were very concerned about the future financing.

David Scorey:

This was before some of the stimulus funding had actually been made

David Scorey:

available, which has certainly helped.

David Scorey:

But they were already thinking about the longer term and operational funding.

David Scorey:

And so we worked very closely with MBTA to operate the network more efficiently

David Scorey:

to reduce some costs, but also to change the service that was being

David Scorey:

offered to become more contemporary.

David Scorey:

to anticipate what we thought the future demand might be, which was around, greater

David Scorey:

flexibility in, in, travel options.

David Scorey:

You know, the commuter rail network there was designed and has operated

David Scorey:

for generations to bring lots of people into Boston in the morning.

David Scorey:

and take them home in the evening.

David Scorey:

Well, that's not the way that people were traveling then.

David Scorey:

It's certainly not the way that they're traveling now.

David Scorey:

So we completely revamped the schedule.

David Scorey:

It made it more cost efficient to operate, because costs are

David Scorey:

often driven by peak demand.

David Scorey:

so we flattened the peaks, but we spread the resources, more

David Scorey:

evenly throughout the day.

David Scorey:

And our aspiration, which we've largely achieved, was to develop something that

David Scorey:

we call a clock face schedule, so that when you're traveling on the network,

David Scorey:

you don't need a schedule in your pocket.

David Scorey:

You don't need to look up online.

David Scorey:

What time the train is going to be.

David Scorey:

You know that at 15 minutes past the hour or at 30 minutes past the

David Scorey:

hour, there will be a train on the hour every hour throughout the day.

David Scorey:

So that's greater predictability for passengers and greater flexibility

David Scorey:

because we were able to offer a lot more frequent service.

David Scorey:

We've supplemented that with a range of other things that

David Scorey:

we've done around marketing.

David Scorey:

We're offering fares and fare product development, so we're offering very

David Scorey:

attractive weekend fares for example, linking up with major events, and

David Scorey:

introducing some digital tools to better understand the journeys that passengers

David Scorey:

are making, the potential journeys that people want to make, whatever

David Scorey:

mode they're making that journey on, and figuring out whether the service

David Scorey:

we're offering is really complementing those journey choices, and we've also

David Scorey:

digitized our onboard ticket sales as well, which was something we didn't have.

David Scorey:

several years ago, you could only buy a ticket on board with cash, now you can

David Scorey:

use your credit and debit card, so a whole range of things, and we've wrapped all

David Scorey:

of that in what we call a, a ridership and revenue recovery program, because

David Scorey:

the two things are not marching together hand in hand at the moment, we're seeing

David Scorey:

ridership coming back, and actually using that slightly tired metric of How

David Scorey:

does it compare to pre COVID levels?

David Scorey:

You know, we've got 97 percent of pre COVID ridership now on the commuter rail

David Scorey:

in Boston, which is, leading the way in commuter rails in, in the United States,

David Scorey:

but revenue is still falling behind.

David Scorey:

And so now it's about understanding that relationship and doing what we

David Scorey:

can to address that challenge as well.

David Scorey:

but those are some of the things that we're working on right now.

Paul Comfort:

Frank, how about you?

Paul Comfort:

Frank White III: you know, probably the biggest challenge is just right

Paul Comfort:

now, the fiscal cliff to some degree.

Paul Comfort:

one of our biggest clients, obviously the kids in Missouri, they have a gap.

Paul Comfort:

And so the question becomes, do they want to close it or not close it?

Paul Comfort:

And so So, traditionally in Speak for Kansas City, we've got, like I

Paul Comfort:

said, we've got these compacts with all these cool powers and tools, but

Paul Comfort:

historically we really didn't use them like we probably should have, and we've

Paul Comfort:

been leaning towards really becoming that authority around the region.

Paul Comfort:

And so, probably the biggest challenge that I've seen in my year and a half as

Paul Comfort:

CEO is getting to understand, you're not here to kick us around anymore , and we're

Paul Comfort:

going to basically demand where we go.

Paul Comfort:

We're going to look at how do we provide value by growing, I've

Paul Comfort:

said many times publicly that the KCATA is an economic development

Paul Comfort:

agency that happens to run transit.

Paul Comfort:

And so, our message for the last two years has been workforce, growth, jobs,

Paul Comfort:

housing, all these things, going to the state level, to the federal level, and

Paul Comfort:

we've seen that in returns and funding, because that's the things, to Tiffani's

Paul Comfort:

point, people care about these things because you're providing value to that.

Paul Comfort:

But the challenge is there's some people that want to keep us in that bus corner.

Paul Comfort:

And I'm like, we're not, we can't stay in that bus corner because what we, what

Paul Comfort:

we do is too important for the region.

Paul Comfort:

We've got seven counties, we've probably only been activated in one, so there's

Paul Comfort:

six more counties that we can grow.

Paul Comfort:

we're working on a whole revenue strategy, a whole business development

Paul Comfort:

strategy, to go tell that story to why you should invest in transit, people

Paul Comfort:

invest in what they value, but we gotta tell a better story and back it up

Paul Comfort:

with the data to show why it matters.

Paul Comfort:

You know there's people buy by emotion, but they justify it by fact.

Paul Comfort:

And so, we're trying to marry a better way of approaching transit

Paul Comfort:

and what we do and how we do it.

Paul Comfort:

I was joking with Tiffani before I gave a speech seven years ago that transit

Paul Comfort:

would be saved by non transit people.

Paul Comfort:

It did not go over very well.

Paul Comfort:

But I don't come from transit, so I don't have those preconceived

Paul Comfort:

notions of what I can and can't do.

Paul Comfort:

So, I've found this last year, I have fun irritating people,

Paul Comfort:

because we have to be different.

Paul Comfort:

I can tell.

Paul Comfort:

Oh, okay, I lean into conflict, that's my superpower, but I'm an advocate

Paul Comfort:

for our industry and what we do, and if we can't love ourselves, who's

Paul Comfort:

gonna love our industry, right?

Paul Comfort:

And we should let others define us.

Paul Comfort:

everybody in this room knows everyone outside of interesting

Paul Comfort:

things to transit planners, right?

Paul Comfort:

They know how to why didn't this bus to a left so right do it tomorrow and we know

Paul Comfort:

why there's rules there's different things but people like to tell us what to do.

Paul Comfort:

So from a challenge.

Paul Comfort:

I mean ridership were up pre pandemic operators we've hired Our biggest

Paul Comfort:

thing is trying to redefine who we are within the region And make

Paul Comfort:

sure we're at the table when those decision the discussion being had

Paul Comfort:

Thank you.

Paul Comfort:

It's great.

Paul Comfort:

How about you Jameson?

Jameson Auten:

Yeah, many of the same things that, we've heard.

Jameson Auten:

But I think for us, our biggest challenge is, is our people.

Jameson Auten:

It's, it's literally our people.

Jameson Auten:

We have wonderful people that work for the organization.

Jameson Auten:

We have wonderful people that we serve in the community.

Jameson Auten:

We have a very engaged community, but our community is different

Jameson Auten:

than it was a few years ago.

Jameson Auten:

You know, so in Oregon, there was a, a measure that decriminalized,

Jameson Auten:

drugs to a certain extent.

Jameson Auten:

And I'm going to speak for TriMet as well because they deal with the same

Jameson Auten:

things, but on a very big higher level.

Jameson Auten:

there's, you're able to, to, do drugs.

Jameson Auten:

We have a, Eugene is the number one per capita, community,

Jameson Auten:

houselessness in the nation.

Jameson Auten:

Little Eugene.

Jameson Auten:

so we have houseless issues that we deal with.

Jameson Auten:

We have, mental health challenges that we deal with on the street.

Jameson Auten:

We have a dilapidated police force.

Jameson Auten:

We have a reduced number of, public defenders and prosecutors.

Jameson Auten:

And no jail.

Jameson Auten:

No, yeah, a very small jail.

Jameson Auten:

So there, there are unique challenges that our frontline folks face on the street.

Jameson Auten:

That, to me, is, we'll always have, we'll always want more money, Paul,

Jameson Auten:

and we'll always want more vehicles, we'll always need inanimate objects,

Jameson Auten:

but the number one challenge, in my view, is the safety of the people that

Jameson Auten:

deliver the service each and every day.

Paul Comfort:

It's a big, hot topic, no doubt about it.

Paul Comfort:

So now, for you all, I want to kind of pull the curtain back, we're

Paul Comfort:

going to shift and pivot, and I want to ask you a personal question.

Paul Comfort:

Tell us about what it's like being a CEO.

Paul Comfort:

I think, not often does everybody get a chance to see, you know, what it's like.

Paul Comfort:

What time do you wake up?

Paul Comfort:

What do you do?

Paul Comfort:

I know on average day, there is no average day.

Paul Comfort:

But give us a, an approximation of that.

Paul Comfort:

David, we'll start with you.

David Scorey:

Well, there is no average day.

David Scorey:

so, couple of things I'd say.

David Scorey:

I'm a, I'm very operational.

David Scorey:

I'm a very operational CEO.

David Scorey:

So I'm close to our operations.

David Scorey:

I've been in operations most of my career.

David Scorey:

And so I wake up early.

David Scorey:

I do my best work early, actually, I think.

David Scorey:

typically wake up at 5 a.

David Scorey:


David Scorey:

I love working for an international company, but that does mean that

David Scorey:

time zones don't mean very much.

David Scorey:

So quite often there'll be very early meetings with Paris or late meetings with

David Scorey:

Australia, you know, sharing experiences.

David Scorey:

That's, you know, one of the facets of working for an international

David Scorey:

organization, but it's one of the ways that we share best practice.

David Scorey:

Which is really important to us so that we can bring that to all of our clients.

David Scorey:

and then throughout the day, you know, I'd characterize it as, in fact, we were

David Scorey:

joking a little bit about this with Julie.

David Scorey:

You know, maybe you don't think this, but my perception is a lot of people,

David Scorey:

when they see a CEO job title, think you're all seeing and all knowing.

David Scorey:

Well, I can tell you, you're not.

David Scorey:

Absolutely not.

David Scorey:

You don't know the answers to everything.

David Scorey:

You depend on the people, that work with you to bring their experience,

David Scorey:

their capabilities, their knowledge, to challenge you, to stretch you, you know,

David Scorey:

there's an old adage, surround yourselves with people who are brighter than you

David Scorey:

are, and I've certainly done that, and so throughout the day, I'll be dipping into

David Scorey:

various topics, some of it will be quite technical around the operations, some of

David Scorey:

it will be corporate governance stuff, you know, I've learned more about insurance,

David Scorey:

risk, and claims than I ever thought I would, and probably more than I want to.

David Scorey:

But you guys, as a CEO, you have to touch on all of these things throughout the day.

David Scorey:

But just to pick up on something that Jameson had said, one of the things

David Scorey:

that has really been driven home to me since I became a CEO, is that

David Scorey:

the organization looks to you for guidance and moral leadership as well.

David Scorey:

And that's something that's really important.

David Scorey:

And I think as a CEO, you've always got to have.

David Scorey:

I'm a very strong believer in servant leadership, particularly over the last

David Scorey:

five years, I would say, in the US, people who work within your organizations look to

David Scorey:

the leadership of the organization to say, what's your commentary on social issues?

David Scorey:

You know, what's your view on the political climate right now?

David Scorey:

How are you going to help us overcome the challenges that we

David Scorey:

faced with COVID, with the post COVID issues, with mental health issues?

David Scorey:

And so that's a big, big part of being a CEO.

David Scorey:

There's all the technical stuff and the operational stuff, but then there's that

David Scorey:

ethical and moral element to it too.

David Scorey:

And I think that's, that's something that, you know,

David Scorey:

increasingly is important right now.

Paul Comfort:

How about you, Frank?

Paul Comfort:

What's a day like for you?

Paul Comfort:

Frank White III: Well, first of all, being a CEO is very lonely.

Paul Comfort:

and I don't say that in jest, I mean, because you make all the

Paul Comfort:

decisions, they fall back on you.

Paul Comfort:

I think we have talked about this in the past, Paul.

Paul Comfort:

I'm responsible for 650 people and their families with every decision

Paul Comfort:

I make, every day, good or bad.

Paul Comfort:

And that's a weight that you take very seriously because these people.

Paul Comfort:

So, they're going to work every day, they're planning for the futures, and they

Paul Comfort:

don't know what we know as CEOs, and nor do they need to know what we know, but

Paul Comfort:

when you look at all the information that you get, it's a lot, and so, if you're

Paul Comfort:

doing it right, you take that seriously, to your point of the leadership piece, but

Paul Comfort:

every day is different, you know, what's, 8 o'clock, It's solved by 10 o'clock.

Paul Comfort:

Then there's another crisis at 11 o'clock.

Paul Comfort:

the biggest thing in my role, I am not an operational person.

Paul Comfort:

I just got a good line of BS.

Paul Comfort:

That's, that's why I'm here.

Paul Comfort:

my job is to lead and make decisions.

Paul Comfort:

And I've got the operational speed to go do that.

Paul Comfort:

My job is to go out there and go tell our story.

Paul Comfort:

Go deal with the, what we call the political sticky stuff.

Paul Comfort:

all the things, you know, the trips and all these things.

Paul Comfort:

And really go say, I'm advocating for our organization in a way

Paul Comfort:

to go tell that great story.

Paul Comfort:

But, you get drug into things that, like, I've learned more about finance

Paul Comfort:

in the last four months than I ever thought I'd know in my life.

Paul Comfort:

Because you're trying to solve problems.

Paul Comfort:

Or is it operations?

Paul Comfort:

Now we're talking about maintenance and all these things and jacks and

Paul Comfort:

lifts that I would normally not even care about, but I have to know about

Paul Comfort:

it because I've got to answer for it.

Paul Comfort:

I don't get to say I don't know.

Paul Comfort:

I don't get to say, well, it's not my fault.

Paul Comfort:

No, I'm the guy.

Paul Comfort:

And so you have to own that.

Paul Comfort:

And so it can be very heavy.

Paul Comfort:

But at the same time, you get to see the impact of the decision

Paul Comfort:

that you make on the good side.

Paul Comfort:

when you talk to people and get to know the folks that you're

Paul Comfort:

responsible for, it's crazy.

Paul Comfort:

I love it.

Paul Comfort:

I love being in charge.

Paul Comfort:

I love being able to say I have a hand in this thing.

Paul Comfort:

I love seeing people grow in an organization and move on.

Paul Comfort:

I try to find people better than me and I hope they leave for something better.

Paul Comfort:

If I've done that, I've done it right.

Paul Comfort:

cause then you elevate and people feel that space, you

Paul Comfort:

elevate, they feel that space.

Paul Comfort:

And you're a people developer as well.

Paul Comfort:

And then also people look to you, to your point, to the tone and the environment.

Paul Comfort:

And if, and if, and I will say I don't know.

Paul Comfort:

Let me be very clear, I'll say I don't know, let me find out.

Paul Comfort:

But what people do know about me at the ATA is, is I'll never lie to you.

Paul Comfort:

I'll defend us to the hill.

Paul Comfort:

In, in spite of whatever.

Paul Comfort:

And, and that I, I am there for the agency to all the people.

Paul Comfort:

So, if you get the chance to become a CO, I would say run to it.

Paul Comfort:

'cause you'll learn a lot about yourself.

Paul Comfort:

you thought you knew stuff that you don't know, but, but I'm better

Paul Comfort:

now than I was two years ago.

Paul Comfort:

but no, it, it's, I, it's, it's crazy.

Paul Comfort:

There's always something going on, but I mean, it, it's just fun.

Paul Comfort:

I like solving problems and I get to solve problems here.

Paul Comfort:

Two things that, I took out of that, and, that I want to share

Paul Comfort:

about CEOs, and then we'll ask you, Jameson, I'm going to follow that up with

Paul Comfort:

a question, which is, one is, what you said, as a CEO, as the chief executive

Paul Comfort:

officer, the leader of any organization, you have the power of a spotlight,

Paul Comfort:

and you can spotlight issues, and your staff runs to them and works on them,

Paul Comfort:

but normally it's one issue at a time.

Paul Comfort:

The problem is, at a CEO, you're faced with easily, 100 decisions a

Paul Comfort:

day, I think, that you have to make.

Paul Comfort:

And, you have to figure out where to put that spotlight, where the focus will be.

Paul Comfort:

The other thing I found was interesting, as a CEO, and I want to ask you about

Paul Comfort:

this, Jameson, is that, it seems like all the easy decisions have already been made.

Paul Comfort:

By the time it gets to your desk.

Paul Comfort:

And the only ones that you have to make are the toughest ones,

Paul Comfort:

and the ones without a template.

Paul Comfort:

You know, it's like a judgment call.

Paul Comfort:

That's why I wrote a chapter in my first book called, you know, Being a CEO is

Paul Comfort:

about your job, it's your judgment.

Paul Comfort:

Do you agree?

Jameson Auten:

Oh, I absolutely agree.

Jameson Auten:

That said I'm having a blast.

Jameson Auten:

There you go.

Jameson Auten:

You know, and I have a great board that can help.

Jameson Auten:

I can bounce ideas off of.

Jameson Auten:

I've got a great team that I can bounce ideas off of.

Jameson Auten:

But at the end of the day, Frank's right.

Jameson Auten:

The decision happens here and you have to live by that decision.

Jameson Auten:

Now, the great thing is that most decisions are reversible.

Jameson Auten:


Jameson Auten:

You decide you're going to have an amputation, you better think real

Jameson Auten:

hard and make the right decision.

Jameson Auten:

It's not growing back.

Jameson Auten:

but most decisions, we'll go back, we'll assess, and we'll, we'll course correct.

Jameson Auten:

So it's an iterative process.

Jameson Auten:

But, you know, the, the, the buck does stop here, and you make the

Jameson Auten:

best decision that you can with the resources and information that you have.

Jameson Auten:

Tiffani, what's your day like?

Tiffani Scott:

So, I guess the best way to put it is, I'm a firm believer that

Tiffani Scott:

a CEO means, before I ask anyone to do anything, I have to be willing to, like,

Tiffani Scott:

work harder, so before I ask them to do overtime, so I wake up, and I immediately,

Tiffani Scott:

like, I get my cup of coffee, and I check to see what it is, and I'm kind of

Tiffani Scott:

somewhere probably between both of you, where I'm not in the weeds of, like, each

Tiffani Scott:

day, but I log in each morning, and I look to see how many drivers called off.

Tiffani Scott:

Just because I want to know when I walk in, what am I walking into, and what

Tiffani Scott:

can I start helping with direction and empowering my staff before I even step in.

Tiffani Scott:

Because those calls and those messages don't wait for me to be

Tiffani Scott:

in the building, because a lot of times, I'm not in the building.

Tiffani Scott:

My job isn't to be at my desk all day, just there waiting for a problem.

Tiffani Scott:

And so, a big part of that is opening.

Tiffani Scott:

That ability for people to tell me there's a problem.

Tiffani Scott:

Because a lot of people don't wanna tell the CEO, it's a

Tiffani Scott:

problem unless it's really bad.

Tiffani Scott:

But I also think that as CEO, my job is to be chief cheerleader.

Tiffani Scott:

And I say that in the best way because my job is to cheerlead

Tiffani Scott:

for our agency outside.

Tiffani Scott:

Who are we?

Tiffani Scott:

And you know, there's a lot of thoughts that, oh, you go to dinner,

Tiffani Scott:

okay, inside, they're not all fun.

Tiffani Scott:

They're work.

Tiffani Scott:

And when you're there, you're on.

Tiffani Scott:

And people think that, you know, you go and it's it.

Tiffani Scott:

The second you get there, you start smiling.

Tiffani Scott:

And the way you're, when you go to bed.

Tiffani Scott:

If you're not in your hotel room, you're working, and, but that's all for this

Tiffani Scott:

idea of you have to be the greatest storyteller for your agency, because

Tiffani Scott:

that's how we drive ridership, that's how we drive revenue, but I also feel like

Tiffani Scott:

we have to be the big cheerleader inside.

Tiffani Scott:

You know, we had to make a big decision, and I made a very tough decision in

Tiffani Scott:

2021 that we didn't do remote work.

Tiffani Scott:

I brought everyone back, because it was creating this culture where people felt

Tiffani Scott:

expendable, like who could stay home and who was, had to be on the front line.

Tiffani Scott:

But with that came things like vaccine mandates.

Tiffani Scott:

it's about creating the culture and the tone.

Tiffani Scott:

We have a lot of fun at work.

Tiffani Scott:

We work really hard, but I think it's creating that idea that

Tiffani Scott:

I dress up on spirit days and I bring things to the potluck.

Tiffani Scott:

Because the idea is, you don't have to just be a fun agency, or a hardworking

Tiffani Scott:

agency, or a analytical agency, you can be all of them, but it's our job to set

Tiffani Scott:

that culture on, when is it fun, and when is it serious, and what's important,

Tiffani Scott:

but ultimately, the CO's responsible for setting all of that, and that creates

Tiffani Scott:

people wanting to come to work, the idea of being an employer of choice, because

Tiffani Scott:

people want to be where they want to be, and since COVID, that's the number

Tiffani Scott:

one thing, If you're going to leave your house, you want what you do to matter,

Tiffani Scott:

you want to feel valued, and you want to enjoy it, because you have options

Tiffani Scott:

to not have to leave that at home, and so, I think more than ever, the job of

Tiffani Scott:

a CEO is creating a culture where people feel like what they're doing matters,

Tiffani Scott:

and that they're appreciated, and that it matters they show up to work every day,

Tiffani Scott:

and ultimately, that's my number one job.

Paul Comfort:

All right.

Paul Comfort:

Our lightning round question.

Paul Comfort:

We have one time for one question left.

Paul Comfort:

I'm gonna ask each of you to try to keep it under a minute.

Paul Comfort:

We'll start with you, Frank.

Paul Comfort:

What's one of the best things happening in your agency right now?

Paul Comfort:

Frank White III: The biggest thing is that the TOD work.

Paul Comfort:

You saw some of what we did come to Kansas City.

Paul Comfort:

We've got over 70 different projects.

Paul Comfort:

It's gonna do about 60 million dollars to the organization and we're trying

Paul Comfort:

to make a lot of traction with it.

Paul Comfort:

Not just within the Missouri, but in Kansas, but also nationally.

Paul Comfort:

so it's work I started four years ago, now Michael Riley is taking what I've done

Paul Comfort:

to the next level, but it's, it's really allowing us to reframe that, what we are

Paul Comfort:

from a bus company to a transit authority.

Paul Comfort:

That's great.

Paul Comfort:


Jameson Auten:

We're, we're going through a process right now.

Jameson Auten:

We're asking, the communities, what do you need us to be for the next 50 years?

Jameson Auten:

We know what we were founded to do, but what do we need to morph into?

Jameson Auten:

And that conversation has been dynamic and engaging.

Jameson Auten:

We have elected officials weighing in, we have community college presidents weighing

Jameson Auten:

in, we have internal teams weighing in, we're doing a workshop, next week, on this

Jameson Auten:

topic with, with city planners and others.

Jameson Auten:

So it's really about what do we need to be and how do we connect the entire county.

Jameson Auten:

Which means that we have to be superb at our base level of

Jameson Auten:

service, at our transit service.

Jameson Auten:

So right now, the entire organization is focused on a singular goal.

Jameson Auten:

What is the role of recruitment and retention?

Jameson Auten:

Making sure that we're recruiting bus operators, we're reimagining how we handle

Jameson Auten:

training without sacrificing training.

Jameson Auten:

We're reimagining where we source our people.

Jameson Auten:

We're looking at second chance programs.

Jameson Auten:

We're looking at putting people to work who need a second chance.

Jameson Auten:

And we're looking at working with other organizations that focus

Jameson Auten:

in on indigenous businesses.

Jameson Auten:

And these are the ones we wanted to make sure we were inclusive So, we

Jameson Auten:

came up with the board of directors, veterans, making sure that we're really

Jameson Auten:

being inclusive in that approach.

Jameson Auten:

So, that's been exciting to see the whole organization galvanize around that,

Jameson Auten:

including our board, who started the ad hoc committee on this one subject.

Jameson Auten:


Tiffani Scott:

So, for us, it's really that work that we're doing

Tiffani Scott:

related to food and health care.

Tiffani Scott:

We don't do anything little, so we started 14 routes that are A and B pair,

Tiffani Scott:

so 28 routes going from no fixed route.

Tiffani Scott:

But it's really interesting because it's got us seats at tables we didn't have.

Tiffani Scott:

We're involved in the housing discussion, we're involved in the food access, we're

Tiffani Scott:

involved in the healthcare discussion, and we actually spun off and created

Tiffani Scott:

a second non profit that's building attainable housing for a third of the

Tiffani Scott:

cost of what the public sector was doing.

Tiffani Scott:

But the key was transportation.

Tiffani Scott:

It's a little different take on TOD.

Tiffani Scott:

The operating system is so important.

Tiffani Scott:

We're bringing transportation as a key operating element on how they

Tiffani Scott:

should look at developing that.

Tiffani Scott:

And the goal is to create a model for how the region builds housing that has transit

Tiffani Scott:

at the table service provided day one.

Tiffani Scott:

That's not only creating a future for our agency and others, but it's actually

Tiffani Scott:

watching other existing entities come back to us and ask how to incorporate that.

Tiffani Scott:

And so, it's exciting to see where we can blend meeting the region's

Tiffani Scott:

goals into creating a sustainable future for ourselves by meeting demand

Tiffani Scott:

that gets us out of the hunting.

Tiffani Scott:

And I think that's and really gets us into the, let us show you

Tiffani Scott:

what we can do because transit can do so much that the community

Tiffani Scott:

didn't realize until we're there.

Tiffani Scott:

And I think it continues to be our job to tell the story of how, if you

Tiffani Scott:

want to accomplish all these issues, access is the number one problem

Tiffani Scott:

and you can't do it without transit.

Tiffani Scott:

And my going piece is, look at your data sets, especially

Tiffani Scott:

from things like paratransit.

Tiffani Scott:

I always tell Public Works, if you're looking at where to put in

Tiffani Scott:

improvements, where is the most valuable sidewalk infrastructure?

Tiffani Scott:

Where should you do crossings?

Tiffani Scott:

Get your data set, because only paratransit knows exactly what

Tiffani Scott:

time of day people are going, where they're going, to their door.

Tiffani Scott:

We're not assuming they're going there.

Tiffani Scott:

We know door to door, time of day, frequency, age, all of it.

Tiffani Scott:

We have more data than almost any other planning set, but

Tiffani Scott:

nobody thinks to access it.

Paul Comfort:

David, bring us home.

David Scorey:

I've been sitting here with my brain a bit of a scramble because I

David Scorey:

thought we'd have more time, so trying to pick the one thing, so if I could

David Scorey:

just pick just one, I can talk about this because it's in the public domain

David Scorey:

now, it's in the media, we've just made an unsolicited proposal to MBTA, so back

David Scorey:

to Boston, I'm afraid, to introduce a brand new train onto the network for

David Scorey:

the first time in, probably 50 years and it'll be a modern battery electric

David Scorey:

multiple unit which can run under the pantograph and run under battery

David Scorey:

power where there is no pantograph.

David Scorey:

It'll be truly transformational if this option is taken up by MBTA.

David Scorey:

I would be introducing that train into service in 2027 on

David Scorey:

selected parts of the network.

David Scorey:

So from a customer experience, it'll be like nothing MBTA

David Scorey:

riders have ever experienced.

David Scorey:

from a quality of service, journey time.

David Scorey:

Reducing the carbon footprint of the operation, it really

David Scorey:

checks all of those boxes.

David Scorey:

And really I wanted to mention that because this is a good example of where

David Scorey:

we've been able to bring our global experience in introducing these sorts of

David Scorey:

trains elsewhere in the world to MBTA.

David Scorey:

Almost as a free consultancy, we've found the solution, we proposed it, we would

David Scorey:

project management the procurement, the facilities, the introduction to service,

David Scorey:

and then of course continuing to operate.

David Scorey:

But it's a great example I think of.

David Scorey:

As a global transportation contractor, where we can bring

David Scorey:

added value to our clients.

David Scorey:

and in fact, I need to give a quick shout out to the ENO Centre for

David Scorey:

Transportation, because they've just done, a study on contracting, and they've

David Scorey:

just published that study, and it really emphasizes one of these features that,

David Scorey:

a contractor can bring added value.

David Scorey:

So, I'm really pleased, proud that we've made that proposal, and I'm

David Scorey:

very, very hopeful that it does get taken up by the T, and we're able to

David Scorey:

introduce that to the riding public.

Paul Comfort:

That's great.

Paul Comfort:

Thank you all.

Paul Comfort:

If you enjoyed today, how about giving a round of applause to our guests?

Tris Hussey:

This is Tris Hussey editor of the transit unplugged podcast.

Tris Hussey:

Thank you for listening to this special 300.

Tris Hussey:

Episode of transit unplugged.

Tris Hussey:

Special, thanks to all of you listeners who have made this possible.

Tris Hussey:

And of course, to our guests, Frank White, III.

Tris Hussey:

Jameson Auten David Scorey and Tiffani Scott.

Tris Hussey:

Now coming up next week on the show, we have Emily Yates CIO

Tris Hussey:

for SEPTA, the South Eastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority.

Tris Hussey:

Paul and Emily are going to talk about how innovation works in public transit.

Tris Hussey:

Do you know that transitunplugged.com is the place to catch up on

Tris Hussey:

old episodes of the show.

Tris Hussey:

Why don't you give it a look, there's some great episodes from the past seven

Tris Hussey:

seasons that you might really enjoy.

Tris Hussey:

Transit unplugged is brought to you by Modaxo.

Tris Hussey:

At Modaxo.

Tris Hussey:

We're passionate about moving the world's people.

Tris Hussey:

And it transit unplugged.

Tris Hussey:

We're passionate about telling those stories.

Tris Hussey:

So until next week ride safe and ride happy.